Wednesday 26th April 2023 at Church House, Westminster

Our annual Conference and Exhibition in Westminster – providing on topic information; valuable insight into current and future policy; expert speakers; discussion on key issues and networking with the MEUC Community for those buying, managing, planning or paying for their organisation’s energy and water.

Chair: Richard Koszykowski, Energy Advisor, MEUC
10.05Decarbonising the UK Energy System and options for major energy users.
Effective decarbonisation and achieving Net Zero ambitions continue to dominate the conversation for the UK’s major energy users analysing future risks and benefits.
Ulf Nahrath – VP of UK Energy Transition and Infrastructure, Shell
10.20Navigating the energy landscape: A retailers’ perspective
Why recent events have impacted the energy retail market and why consumers could see a difference in future contract options.
Gareth Metcalf, Head of Strategic Relationships, npower Business Solutions
10.35Understanding the impact of energy policy on procurement
Changes and updates to taxes and charges from April 2023 you need to know about.
Arthur Probert, Commercial Director, Ameresco
10.50Delivering a fair and competitive market for non-domestic consumers
The Regulator’s perspective.
Jonathan Brearley, Chief Executive Officer, Ofgem
11.10Questions from the floor

A pdf of the slide pack can be viewed here