Tuesday 13 June (13.30 – 17.00)
Baringa, London

An afternoon meeting kindly hosted by Baringa, London for MEUC Members and invited guests, covering regulatory and market updates, risk management, onsite generation and PPAs.

13.30Registration, Tea and Coffee
14.00Welcome & Introductions
Robin Hale, Chief Executive, MEUC
Ryan Thomson, Partner, Global Corporate Decarbonisation Lead, Baringa
Session One: The UK’s Energy Future. Where are we, what’s planned, will it be fit for purpose?
14.10Working on your behalf to ensure a fairer energy future for consumers.
Robin Hale, Chief Executive, MEUC
Eddie Proffitt, Technical Director, MEUC
Richard Koszykowski, Energy Advisor, MEUC
14.30The Government’s Energy Strategy
Rachel Armstrong, Director, Industrial Decarbonisation & Emission Trading, DESNeZ
14.50Framing the market landscape, opportunities and risks for large energy users looking to decarbonise, reduce operating costs and capitalise the energy transition
James Constable, Director, Global Corporate Decarbonisation SME, Baringa
15.30Networking and Coffee Break
Session Two: Sharing learnings, challenges and considerations within the context of prior presentations
[NOTE: Breakout Session not recorded]
16.00Informal Breakout Discussions to expand on the thought-provoking presentations from the previous session
Discuss the challenges and learnings from Net Zero implementation:
– Energy and Risk Strategy
– Front of Meter/Behind the Meter project development and delivery
– Energy efficiency, heat decarbonisation
– Transport & EV infrastructure
– Emissions accounting and reporting
16.30Top three insights from breakout discussions
Discussion leaders share the groups thoughts.
Led by Robin Hale, Chief Executive, MEUC

A slide pack of the presentations can be viewed here