Mon 11 October (11.00 – 12.30)
The Challenge of Decarbonisation – where are we and what’s left to do?
The objective is simple, the path far less. How business, economic and climate commitments affect policy and investment decisions on our continuing journey to Net Zero.

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11.00Welcome and Introduction
Eddie Proffitt, Technical Director, MEUC
11.05Working together towards decarbonisation
Implementing the Government’s priorities and what Major Energy Users can expect as we head towards COP26 and beyond.
Arjan Geveke, Assistant Director, Energy Policy, BEIS
11.30Future Energy Scenarios – can we adapt rapidly enough?
How infrastructure, generation and faster decision-making is needed to deliver the UK’s future energy needs.
Lauren Stuchfield, Senior Manager – Energy, Insights & Analysis, National Grid ESO
11.55Net Zero plans in action – What have we done and what is yet to come.
How a UK PLC has outperformed its milestone targets by transforming its energy and carbon reduction strategies.
Dr. Anna Menezes-Dowson, Group Head of Energy, Tesco
12.20Open Mic. – where are you on the Net Zero Journey?
Your opportunity to take centre stage and provide your view to help inform others.