Partner Session: NatGridESO
14 October 2020
The webinar will focus on content from the newly updated Demand Side Flexibility Guide that will shortly be published. This will be the third edition of the guide jointly written by National Grid ESO and MEUC.
14.00 | Welcome and Introduction |
14.05 | Summary of Chapter 1: The Growing need for Flexibility The Key to Controlling Future Energy Costs | Understanding the Price Messages from the Market | What the Future Holds |Getting Started |
14.15 | Using Flexibility to Reduce Charges Introduction to TNuOS and who pays | Introduction to Demand TNuOS | Triads | TNuOS in the Future |
14.25 | The Demand Side Flexibility Schemes Response and Reserve | Capacity Market | DNO Flexibility |
14.40 | Electricity Storage for Industrial and Commercial Energy Users The growing importance of grid-scale storage | National Grid ESO’s system balancing | Joint location of renewable generation and storage | Aggregation of demand-side response with storage | Potential revenue streams |
14.50 | Q&A / Panel Discussion |
15.30 | Close |