What is MEUC Membership?
The MEUC is a dedicated corporate membership organisation for major energy and water using companies in industry, commerce and the public sector; buying, managing, understanding and reducing energy, carbon and water costs and consumption.
The MEUC provides a unique community and hub of energy expertise from which a wide range of industrial, commercial and public sector organisations have continued to benefit for over 30 years.
As a corporate membership, unlike many associations, membership covers the whole of your business – not simply a named individual.
What’s in it for you?
Understand why you should join this community of energy and water professionals.
What the MEUC delivers
Benefits come in a range of formats, from seminars and conferences to specialist workshops and training designed to address specific issues and trends that are potentially impacting members. Weekly, monthly and quarterly publications keep members abreast of key issues and market developments. The sharing of experiences and information (that comply with EU Competition law) can be vital when considering new aspects of any energy strategy. When members need specific and confidential support, the MEUC provides face to face discussion.
- Regular Conferences and Exhibitions. With targeted content, providing industry updates, the latest information, peer experiences and developments from supplier and service providers.
- Members’ Meetings for Energy and Water. To discuss current regulation, policy and market direction and understand consultation response viewpoints.
- Annual Evening Networking Reception. An informal event for Members, Supporters and Stakeholders at the House of Lords.
- Energy and Water Update Webinars. Member-only briefings webinars with updates from our in-house experts including input and support from Stakeholders and topic specialists.
- Partner Sessions. Meetings or webinars run in conjunction with our supporters to inform and cover new services and opportunities from a best-practice perspective.
- Weekly Members’ Newsletter. News, commentary, market intelligence and trends in forward gas and power contracts.
- Monthly Energy Snapshots. Bullet point reports on major UK energy and water developments and a wider European and World view.
- Quarterly Energy Briefing. An in-depth quarterly news analysis covering electricity, gas, oil, coal, water, environment and climate change.
- Buying and Using Utilities. Our flagship quarterly magazine, providing insight, opinion and valuable editorial.
- Members’ Help Line. Contact us with any enquiry. Our staff, consultants and fellow members have an enormous wealth of experience in UK energy, environment and water and our industry contacts are second to none. If we can’t help you directly, we will know someone who can.
- Teams Meeting / Annual Visit. We also provide confidential meetings with individual member companies to ensure all your issues are being addressed and that you are maximising the benefits of membership. These meetings can be held online, in-person or over the telephone.
Networking is a crucial part of any membership organisation. The sharing of experiences and information is vital when considering new aspects of an energy strategy. Informal networking takes place at our events, but more formal networking and introductions can be made. MEUC attracts a wide base of supporting organisations that provide supply, procurement and management expertise and services. Whilst the exhibitions provide the obvious opportunity to keep up to date with new products and offerings, networking is extremely valuable to resolve issues that may occur as a customer.
Representation on Stakeholder Committees
MEUC represents it’s Members on various energy and water sector stakeholder committees. From the Large User Group held at Ofgem, to the RIIO2 workgroups at National Grid. We make sure that the voice of our membership community is heard.
Content-rich programmes, with associated in-depth material provide a strong foundation for those new and not-so-new to the energy industry. Created by our experts with input from experienced members, the information is written with you in mind.
Additional Services
Receive confidential monthly Gas and Electricity reports showing how your purchasing power compares against fellow members and other market indicators.
(Benchmarking is available as an add-on subscription service. *Add-on Contract Price Benchmarking service £650+vat for one fuel, £950+VAT for both).
Cost-Savings without Compromise: Corporate Membership, just £3450 +vat per year to be part of the MEUC Community and benefit from MEUC’s extensive resources.
Nb. Special rates are available for Local Councils, NHS Trusts and Charity Research Organisations.
Not sure where your company would best be placed in the MEUC Community?
Get in touch with robin.hale@meucnetwork.co.uk